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Mission Statement

To share my music with the world and connect with people in this way to inspire them, bring them joy and give them hope.




The Dream

I've had "dreams" that have fallen apart and some have turned out to be nightmares. What I found is that there is always a new beginning. Also, some of my dreams seemed to be de-railed by circumstances beyond my control. I've come to accept even the difficult experiences as a part of my journey that has shaped me and prepared me for my future. I still have a dream and a destiny yet to be fulfilled. Our destiny is something that unfolds as we walk forward. We don't see the complete picture of what is going to be but we can see far enough ahead to keep making progress on our journey. For me the encouraging thing is that there is no time limit and no age limit in fulfilling my destiny. I sometimes have thought that years have been wasted and wondered what could have happened if I had made different decisions. It seems we face roadblocks and detours in life that set us back. Now I believe that nothing can hold me back from fulfilling my destiny and the trials of life can only make me stronger and a better person. The key for me is to focus on what is in my heart, and not be distracted by the pressures of life or other people's expectations. This life really is just a shadow of things to come and a preparation for a destiny that will continue for eternity.







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